Which platform is better for your business: WordPress or SquareSpace?

Website creation is no longer a tedious task. Tools like WordPress and Squarespace make it very easy to create a website. 25 percent of the entire website in the world is built on WordPress, which is an interesting number in itself. This 25% includes around 1.2 billion websites in total. Squarespace has its fans. Although it is still not as feature-rich as WordPress due to its simple interface and better marketing options, it is popular with many users. However, not a billion, but several million developers use SquareSpace. Lots of surveys have been conducted to find which of the two tools is the best regarding overall performance. Many of these surveys confuse the first time user rather than clarify. That is why the few pros and cons of both technologies are mentioned below:

WordPress Pros: – Community and flexibility

As we know that most of the users in the world use WordPress compared to Squarespace, the online community and support is great in this case. From its initial versions like 2.9 to its latest version 4.8, WordPress has never let its users down. Even today, many of the users use the older version of WordPress because it was smaller and almost bug free. From the WordPress Codex to different Facebook groups, they are all filled with enthusiastic developers and experts.

Learning new things about WordPress is very easy and interesting. This strong community network can help anyone anywhere. Anyone can get any level of advice from this strong community network and that too for free. Another best thing about WordPress is that user does not need to scroll here and there to pay hosting fees, hosting fees can be paid on WordPress.com. Other than this, there is a beginner’s guide available on WordPress for first-time developers and the fees for those people are only $60/year. These are just the initial fees that may increase in the coming years.

WordPress Cons: – Security and complexity

One of the biggest questions for first-time developers is whether to host their website using WordPress.com or go self-hosted. This is a common dilemma that all first-time users face. The majority of users among the total 25% of sites in the world use free WordPress.org hosting. They have created a website a.org that offers the best customization options as well as lowest hosting fees. The biggest downside here is that the customization options WordPress provides are much more complex than its rivals Wix and Weebly. Even the hosting fees for basic websites using these tools are much less compared to WordPress. Also, for WordPress site owners it can be vital to stay up to date with the latest version. Otherwise, they might face long-term security issues.

Squarespace Pros: – No tech skills required

The best thing about Squarespace is that no prior coding knowledge is required to develop a website. Creating websites with WordPress still needs some prior computer or programming knowledge. Where any newbie can build Squarespace website. It provides a wide range of temples and features that we can add to our website. The backend is very powerful and can handle all the heavy templates provided in its library. This can create one of the most beautiful website experiences for visitors. Squarespace templates are so popular that they are also used on Squarespace sites.

Squarespace Cons: – Cost and Ownership

The cheapest plan for a self-hosted WordPress starts from $5 per month, while Squarespace’s basic plan starts from $12 per month. This is even more than double WordPress. Despite paying such a high amount to Squarespace, our website isn’t exactly in possession of them. Therefore, in any case, if the website stops working for any reason, Squarespace is not the owner and therefore our data will be lost. Other than this, there is no migration option available in Squarespace, so whenever the user wants to migrate the site, they have to start building their site from scratch.


For people who have no prior programming knowledge and need to build a minimal static website with very little chance of making changes to the website in the future, it is suggested to use Squarespace instead of WordPress. Because it provides one of the simplest user interfaces with more templates and default features. Since there are very few users with such a requirement, most of them choose WordPress to build the website.

For people who want to make money from their website in any way, including affiliate marketing or through customer conversion, they choose WordPress to build a site because it is a bit difficult for first-time users, but it will be beneficial. for the rest of the time until the user wishes to close the website. It is one of the oldest website building and hosting tools out there, so the kind of trust that WordPress has earned is second to none. Due to its reliability today, many major news sites or business sites where change is the only constant still use WordPress. WordPress is only recommended for people who want to build their platform and are in the long run.

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