The Pros and Cons of a Liver Detox Cleanse

Much has been written about the benefits of a liver detox cleanse, but except for the fact that many people don’t realize how important it really is, let us examine why you might question its importance. In this article we will not dwell on those who might have what we might call liver disease, but only on people who may have some of the symptoms of a stressed liver and what they might face when going through a liver detox cleanse.

First we will address the negative aspects of a liver cleanse. There is only one that deserves consideration, and that will be the side effects of a liver detox cleanse. Soon after the process, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve had one (or if it’s your first), you may go through several of these: nausea, drowsiness or fatigue, fever, chills, headaches, diarrhea, lack of appetite, and increased urine. Some of the problems you have been experiencing prior to the liver detox program may increase and become more pronounced during this time. These liver detox side effects should be short term, with the worst likely to pass in a few days to a week. There is nothing to be alarmed about when this happens, even if you are not feeling at your best, as this is simply the cleaning process at work. The liver cleanse is really a method of removing what we have allowed to build up in our system over a long period of time, and after the toxins have been flushed out, your body will begin to rejuvenate, repair and heal itself.

After considering what you may have to put up with during a liver detox cleanse, the obvious question becomes: is it worth it? If you were to simply follow a great liver detox diet, would that be enough? The quick and easy answer to that is that it will help ease the downward spiral the body may be in due to the abuse it may have received through poor diet, but it probably won’t repair the damage previously created.

There are very narrow pathways through the liver that are necessary for it to carry out its functions. When those pathways become congested, it doesn’t suggest shutting down (until, of course, the stress has reached breaking point). It means that the liver reaches a point of lower efficiency. Statistics show that approximately 90% of us fall into that category to varying degrees. Some of the indications of those who need a liver detox cleanse are:

1. Poor digestion and weight gain, especially in the abdominal region.

2. Headaches, mood swings and depression.

3. Allergic conditions such as asthma, hay fever and skin rashes.

4. Unstable blood sugar levels, leading to fatigue and sugar cravings.

5. Decreased tolerance to alcohol or antibiotics.

These are just some of the symptoms that are common in people who need a liver detox cleanse. An effective detox diet is vital, but an occasional flush to remove impurities should be part of caring for this hard-working, essential organ, and most dietitians will agree that it’s well worth the temporary hardship it will cause. There are numerous options for liver detoxification, and we highly recommend one found on our website.

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