How to Tell If Your Water Heater Tank Needs Repair

Water Heater Tank Needs Repair

Whether you have a traditional or tankless water heater, both can experience problems over time. Some of these problems, such as a leaky valve, are easy to fix with the help of a plumber. Other issues, such as a rusty tank or internal damage, require a replacement water heater. Knowing the signs that your Phoenix water heater is in need of repair can help you decide if it makes financial sense to hire a professional plumber or to purchase a new unit.

A leaking Phoenix water heater repair is a major problem. It can lead to flooding, which can cause hefty repair bills and damage to personal property. If you notice a water leak from your tank, it’s best to report this to a plumber as soon as possible.

The main reason a hot water heater might leak is that it’s rusty or has developed small cracks. As the rust or cracks spread, they can eventually allow water to escape from the tank into the surrounding areas of your home. This water can cause significant damage if left unattended, especially to sub-floors and walls.

How to Tell If Your Water Heater Tank Needs Repair

Another reason for a leaky water heater is that the temperature and pressure relief valve (TPR) has failed. The TPR is a safety feature that releases excess pressure when it becomes dangerous. Dirt, sediment, low temperatures and rust can all cause the valve to fail.

A third common water heater problem is that the dip tube has sprung a leak. The dip tube is a pipe that transfers cool water from the top of your water heater to the bottom so it can be reheated. A leaking dip tube can cause cold water to mix with your hot water and reduce the overall water temperature.

Finally, the drain valve might be clogged. If you aren’t sure how to clean your water heater, you can always call a Phoenix plumbing company. A plumber will be able to clean the drain valve and check the anode rod for corroding. They will also flush your unit and replace the anode rod, if needed.

You can try to resolve some of these problems on your own, but for more serious issues, you’ll need a plumber. It’s best to hire a trusted professional with experience working on a variety of water heater brands. This will ensure that they can accurately diagnose the issue and provide a quick and efficient solution.

It’s also a good idea to get your water heater checked for safety and efficiency, at least once every 15 years. A professional will be able to identify any potential problems before they become severe and can prevent costly repairs in the future. You can also ask a plumber to perform a water heater diagnostic test, which will give you an accurate idea of the age of your unit and whether it needs to be replaced. To do this, the plumber will turn off your water and then measure the pressure, voltage, and temperature of your system.

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