How positive visualization can improve your life

Positive visualization is seeing in your mind’s eye that your life is unfolding in a way that pleases you. It is taking charge of your life and creating your own reality by engaging your own God-given power.

Positive visualization helps you break away from external influences and circumstances. You are no longer a helpless victim, shaken by the events of your life. Instead, you are in command and control by seeing how things work through the power of your imagination. Wayne Dyer wrote “whatever you think expands”. If you find yourself in a situation that is negative or unhappy in some way, visualization can help you change it by placing yourself mentally and spiritually in an environment that is more positive, productive, inspiring, and joyful.

Let’s face it, the world we live in has many external influences that can drag you down and leave you feeling tired, frustrated, angry or worried. Simply turn on the evening news or pick up any major newspaper and darkness and doom seem to be everywhere. Many people buy into this negativity and are too quick to spread it. It takes inner strength and the use of your imagination to break the cycle and break free from the doomsday thinking that is so often prevalent in today’s society.

You need to be mentally strong to protect yourself from the effects of this pervasive negativity that is spreading like manure on grass. Positive visualization is the tool that helps you reverse this approach. Think about what you want, not what you don’t want. Stay on that wavelength with positive visualization and you will be able to come out of the surrounding negativity unscathed.

Visualize the results and reality you want. Stay with that image. That is the power of visualization at work. Find a quiet place where you can get away from it all. Relax and then imagine in detail how things turn out exactly the way you want. A few moments wrapped in positive visualization can do wonders to improve your mental state and raise your vibration.

Anyone can use positive visualization at any time. It is the secret to activate the Law of Attraction. You attract into your life what you repeatedly think and feel. Your dominant thoughts and feelings become your reality, so it pays to use positive visualization on a daily basis.

How long does it take to manifest your visualization? The time it takes to realize your vision often depends on what that vision is and how efficient you are at visualizing it coherently. You plant the seed the first time you engage in positive visualization. And you water, nurture and let the sun shine on that seed visiting your vision again and again.

You can begin to benefit from the power of positive visualization by beginning to spend more time focusing on the things you want, rather than on the things you don’t want.

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