How Often Should Electric Toothbrush Heads Be Replaced?

Electric Toothbrush Heads Be Replaced

When it comes to your oral health, the toothbrush heads you use are just as important as the actual toothbrush itself. That’s why dentists recommend swapping out your electric toothbrush head every three months for optimal hygiene. Old bristles can harbor bacteria and can lessen the effectiveness of your cleaning routine.

But how can you tell when it’s time to swap out your brush head? While a specific timeline may vary by brand, Oral B and Sonicare both recommend changing your toothbrush head after about three months of use. Generally, you should replace your brush head when the bristles start to look worn and frayed. The same goes for any visible stains or discoloration on the bristles.

Additionally, if you’ve recently been sick or have a persistent sore throat, it is recommended to change your electric toothbrush heads immediately as germs can cling to the bristles and lead to additional infection.

How Often Should Electric Toothbrush Heads Be Replaced?

Some electric toothbrushes, such as hum by Colgate, feature brush heads with bristles that fade in color with regular usage as a visual reminder that it’s time to switch out your toothbrush head. If you have an electric toothbrush that does not come with this kind of indicator, you can purchase a pack of replacement brush heads in bulk to have a supply on hand when it’s time to swap out your current head.

Keeping a schedule is the best way to remember to change your toothbrush head. Some people even choose to align their brush head replacement schedule with the seasons as a simple and effective reminder. Just be sure to store your new brushes in a clean and dry place to avoid any potential mold growth or bacteria buildup.

If you’re unsure of when to switch out your brush head, many brands offer a subscription service that sends you a fresh new brush head at the perfect time. Some of these plans are quite affordable, ranging from $1 to $4 a month. Others may charge a little more per brush head, depending on the package you select.

You can also opt to buy your own refill packs and keep a stash on hand, which is always a smart move. Some people prefer to order two refill packs each year or one every six months so they have plenty of fresh, expert-designed hum toothbrush replacement heads on hand when it’s time to switch them out.

Another option is to have your toothbrush cleaned professionally at City Dentists. Our hygienists can remove the hard-to-reach plaque that regular brushing and flossing cannot reach, providing a deeper level of cleanliness than a toothbrush head alone can achieve. Contact us today to set up an appointment. We look forward to helping you have a clean, healthy smile!

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