Grits and Sweat II – A series of baroque philosophical papers based on objective observations

Perfection is the ultimate imperfection, hence the enigmatic logic of life, as Hitler’s goose-stepping troops were not perfect or orderly, but destructive, and Bill Gates’ microchips and computers ‘seem’ chaotic , but systems are the ultimate in operational order and symmetry.

So when I say honesty is what honesty does, look inside, that’s where you’ll find the real God or the real Goddess, a person who is completely honest with themselves.
Listen, when I became Zon, I realized that the honest man stands alone as an individual concept, and everything revolves around him, sure there are honest women, but they are the support team, “so to speak”. That is why Zygon is a secondary or splitting zygotic concept since the woman has babies, and Zon is a singular or pioneering concept, and the roles cannot be switched or reversed naturally. As in geometry, a square cannot be a circle. Rational change is rational change, but reality is reality, and both work naturally, not unnaturally. Then I think of James Brown’s Hammond B-3 organ instrument “Grits” and how it shows through its organ and trumpet diagrams the “grow it all” nature. I really understand where it comes from in every way, from the first opening instrument table, to the latest Hammond B-3 organ vamp. When I created Neo-Tech, I created it as an “it” with no distinctions, but when I discovered Zon and Zygon, I realized that they were distinctions in themselves as fully integrated masculine and feminine honesty. Zon is masculine energy, or singular. Zygon is feminine or pluralistic energy, like a Zygote that duplicates itself (well, almost).

One of my other points is that women can create life within them, and men have their productive gains trying to “play catch-up”, in anti-civilization men do a poor job. In the Universe Civilization, men do a great job, even surpassing the life-creating power of women with great medical advances that make childbirth less painful and all that. But either way, fully integrated honesty as a whole, Neo-Tech, Zonpower and Zygonpower encompass all genuine work epistemology.

So when I think of the meaning of the words fully integrated honesty, I think of something so complete and complete that it is complete in every way, sense, and meaning. Beyond that, I am Zon, in that sense of integrity within my soul in every way. What else is new? Any. Everything is older than the hills. So as I wrap up this section at the City of El Segundo Public Library, I am basking in a genuinely joyful glow of being genuinely productive, honest, and truthful. I can’t help but be something else. God was the beginning, Zon is the end. There are no pedagogical infinites, only the genuine ones, not the infinite false teachers or (yes) the pedagogical infinites. Effort is the secret and honest and genuine results are the only answer to everything. So, in Grits And Sweat III after this, I wanted to follow the long and winding opening with a powerful hors d’oveurs for the rest of what I’m going to write in this document… James Brown didn’t say “shake your money maker!” “after the Sex Machine song bridge for nothing!

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