A cup of green tea every day

Green tea or black tea? Which is better? Well, the level of oxidation of the leaves determines the type of tea. Green tea is made from unoxidized leaves and is one of the least processed types of tea. Therefore, it also contains the highest amount of beneficial antioxidants and polyphenols and comparatively less caffeine. Since most of the purported health benefits of tea are attributed to antioxidants that scavenge free radicals, the choice should be clear.

Here are some of the main benefits are

Oral health: It is helpful in preventing bad breath, tooth decay, and cavities. Antioxidants are also beneficial for strengthening gums and reducing plaque.

Heart health: The antioxidant capacity of the blood can be increased with polyphenols and antioxidants from green tea. Along with catechins, it protects LDL particles from oxidation, which is one pathway to cardiovascular disease.

Stimulates hair growth and protects the skin against sunburn: Drinking green tea every day can promote hair growth and provide protection against sunburn. It is proven to tone the skin and brighten it.

Reduce the cholesterol: Studies suggest that drinking green tea regularly will lower total and LDL or bad cholesterol. Due to the presence of a large amount of antioxidants, it increases the antioxidant capacity of the blood which prevents the oxidation of LDL particles. Lower cholesterol means a lower risk of heart disease.

Promotes Weight Loss: Increases metabolic rate and increases the body’s fat-burning ability. Helps increase fat oxidation which mobilizes fatty acids from fatty tissues and makes them available for use as energy. This leads to a positive and healthy weight loss that can be maintained for a longer period.

Inflammatory skin disease: Inflammatory skin disease is characterized by patches of dry, red, and scaly skin caused by inflammation and overproduction of skin cells. Consuming green tea will slow down skin cell growth and inflammation.

Detoxifies: Helps eliminate toxins from the body. When unwanted waste is removed from your body, you’ll feel refreshed with more energy and work more productively.

Type 2 diabetes:It is an excellent drink for diabetics as it has no calories and helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Helps reduce the risk of diabetes in people who are prone to diabetes.

Anti-cancer effects: While it has not been shown to cure cancer, studies show that the polyphenols that are present in green tea may slow tumor growth and may protect against the harmful effects of chemotherapy treatment.

Sleep and street reduction: Due to the low caffeine content, green tea is less likely to cause strange sleep. It also promotes the production of dopamine, which is a mood-stabilizing enzyme and also helps reduce stress and increase sleep.

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