Women you’d rather not date

It is important to know what you are looking for in a woman. And the typologies and classifications are very useful for the selection process. Being able to quickly notice female typology gives you a better chance of knowing if you want to deal more with a woman.

Before we learn about those women we should almost avoid like the plague, let’s take a look at some methodologies.

Women can be described according to many continua.

There is the continuum high drive – low drive (HD – LD) that describes the sexual drive of women. Pick-up artists and pick-ups tend to have a high drive. And since you’re reading this article, I’m going to assume that you’re an artist of a certain level in the making and therefore have a lot of drive.

There is the continuum high self-esteem – low self-esteem (HSE – LSE) that explores the level of self-esteem of a woman. A woman’s relationship with her father, and more specifically with her father, is a key determinant of a woman’s height on this continuum.

I think there is also a feminine – masculine continuum. In fact, some women are very comfortable with their feminine energy, while others display some very masculine traits (see below).

Enough theory. Here are some types of women to avoid and my favorite tips on how to recognize them.

Male Dominant Chicks

This is the first type of woman to avoid (unless someone likes men). Male dominant chicks are very logical and have, by definition, masculine mannerisms. Such women like to fight for dominance, in a very masculine way. They like to take the initiative in conversations.
These “ladies” often try to pick up guys the same way a man would pick up a girly girl. You can just feel the masculine energy in these types of women. You feel that they are not girly girls at all. They have masculine body language; enjoy many things and speak clearly. You just can’t feel the very particular and irrational yin energy, this playful feminist that draws you inexorably towards feminine women. And then you will recognize them simply because they are instantly disgusting to you.

Women LD or Low Drive

If you like and enjoy sex a lot, you may want to avoid this type. There is no need to elaborate with this type of girl. You just won’t get much action!

How can we recognize them? If we review the four types of temperaments in people – another useful typology – choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic – we can say that both the sanguine and choleric types of girls have a very high drive. Melancholic girls tend to be HD and passionate too, but the difference lies in how they enjoy sex. The least passionate type we find is the phlegmatic type. They are often female LD and don’t react much to techniques like ball breaking or cocky and funny.

If you’re looking for a long-lasting girlfriend, beware of monsters and sluts!

That’s an easy distinction:

A good girl comes from love.

Ho’s or gold diggers respond to material possessions. They are looking for financial gain.

Monsters need attention and they love sex. They respond to validation and ball popping as it creates strong emotions in them.

If you are looking for a stable girlfriend, go for a nice girl.

But beware! Nice girls enjoy sex, but they like to fall in love with men as their main motive, while Freaks don’t have to be in love with anyone but themselves and some of them even like boys to fall in love with them, and they enjoy the feeling of love, or rather the validation, once you get to the real deal…they move on to the next victim. Monsters come only for masculine energy and desperately need attention. They react to strong ball hits and are cocky and funny. With them, you just have to overplay the pull game and introduce validation-focused frameworks into the convoy.

Good girls looking for a boyfriend. Monsters just want to have a good time.

Ho just wanted to dive into your potential. And sex may not be part of the deal. So just avoid them.

How to recognize them? Well, if you find a gold digger, she’ll probably expect you to pay for everything, not offer to split the bill. He will no doubt ask you questions about what line of work you are in or what car you drive. If the woman is not showing explicit signs, she can still be proactive by introducing money frames and material possessions into the conversation.

I will conclude by giving you a specific example of the recognition process.

Let’s say you’re picking up a girl and you play a game of attraction on her and you notice that she doesn’t respond to breaking up, which usually works very well on Freaks. Then quickly switch your hook and give her a Ho cue, for example, talk about an expensive restaurant and give her a hint that you both could go there, if she still doesn’t respond, give her a Good Girl hook like start building things together and genuinely get to know her.

Women are so emotional that you can quickly go from one hook to another without them realizing how illogical you are being.

In short, keep your standards in mind and always lead the interaction.

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