Why should testers use a standardized automated regression testing framework?

The rapid pace of software development to reach end users before competitors often forces companies to reduce testing time. This can leave some bugs in the software, which then end up affecting the user experience. Each software must be updated to ensure compatibility with versions of its associated third-party software, browsers, or operating systems. Additionally, customer feedback can allow companies to make changes, which can lead to bugs or problems with software performance. This is when regression testing becomes critical to check if the changes made to the software have triggered any new deviations in terms of performance, functionality, usability or security. However, any QA regression can be a time-consuming and complex exercise if done manually. To address such challenges, QA specialists turn to automated regression testing.

Benefits of Incorporating Automated Regression Testing

where the tests are repeatable and not suitable for manual testing. Here, automated tools and techniques are used to check the test cases after an upgrade or change to the software product is made. It involves the use of test scripts and significantly reduces the cost. Automated regression testing checks whether the application’s existing features work as expected. The other benefits are as follows:

Enable scalability: During manual testing, test resources can be stretched to the limit when they are asked to handle repeatables. This can cause them to overlook flaws, which can lead to undermining the quality of the testing process. With test automation, the speed and frequency of testing voluminous, repeatable test cases is greatly increased. In this way, a larger number of test cases can be verified to obtain the expected results if the situation requires it.

Low maintenance: With the addition of new features to the software application, the regression test suite can grow over time. A point may be reached where manual regression testing is no longer feasible. However, a no-code automation tool can maintain the test suite without rewriting or changing the code, keeping the cost of maintenance low.

24 hour testing: With the implementation of automation in software regression testing, testers are no longer required to run and monitor tests. They can simply schedule tests to run at specific intervals or overnight, and work on activities that generate more value, such as exploring unusual cases.

Agile supports: In the agile model of software development, regression testing in software testing is usually done alongside development, iteratively. This creates instant feedback loops, improves testing quality, and reduces time. Plus, with visual logs and recordings, you can also find out the reasons for test failures. Therefore, feedback loops and error correction are accelerated.

The importance of choosing an automated regression testing framework

An automated test framework includes a structure, guidelines, practices, or set of rules for creating or designing test cases. Guidelines may include data handling methods, coding standards, information about access to external resources, and object repositories. Although the rules or guidelines are not binding and testers can still create an automated test script or record tests without taking them into account, they can offer additional benefits:

  • Since a predefined structure of the framework is followed, QA specialists can easily and efficiently create and maintain test cases.
  • An automated test framework can be extended based on the test requirement. In other words, more test cases can be added to test if the situation calls for it.
  • Since most integrations are completed before preparing the automation framework, QA specialists can focus only on creating cases.
  • It allows the reuse of the code for different modules thanks to the library of common functions.
  • In case changes are made to the application, only the associated test script for that module needs to be repaired. In other words, the rest of the application can be left untouched.
  • It allows multiple scenarios by varying the data and reducing the need for scripts.
  • It allows the creation of test scripts independent of the application to be tested.


Since customer experience has become one of the most important arbiters for software applications to be successful in the market, regression testing should be done to correct any change-induced failures. However, a standardized automated regression testing framework to create flexible test cases for a wide range of software applications.

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