When you want it so bad it hurts

Has this happened to you?

You fell in love with a boy. You thought he fell in love with you. Never before have you felt so strongly for any man. you were meant to be with the. The signs were everywhere.

And then he broke up with you.

Maybe it happened two months ago. Maybe it happened two years ago. No matter. You were, still are, devastated. You are still carrying this man and this relationship with you. You wonder where you went wrong, how you could have done things better. You fantasize about meeting him, showing him that you are the woman he cannot live without.

You are suffering. It’s still the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning. You tell yourself that you will never get over it.

And guess what? Are you okay.

Because as long as you tell yourself you can’t get over it, you can’t get over it. And, as long as you carry it with you, the pain of losing it will weigh you down. Think about it: you are carrying a load. You might as well be walking around with a heavy stone in your breast pocket. There are days when you can barely stand up straight.

Isn’t it time to throw the stone? Isn’t it time to get over it?

You can get over it.

Get the man out of your mind. Banish the memories. Stop looking him in the eye mentally and tell yourself that if this relationship was meant to be, it would have been. Open yourself to the very real possibility of meeting the man who hurt you five years from now and you won’t be able to imagine what you saw in him.

(This happens all the time.)

So please drop the stone. Break free.

Ask yourself, how am I going to find the right man when I am hung up on the wrong man, a person who hurt me, shows no interest, and has moved on with his life? Ask yourself, why am I putting myself through this?

Only when you are free can you open yourself up to attracting a man who loves you and never lets you forget him.

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