The pros and cons of online therapy

Online therapy, mental health treatment delivered over the Internet by a mental health counselor, has been an effective and convenient option for years. However, in these days of COVID restricted partnerships, it has become more of a necessity than an option, requiring a certain amount of adjustment for clients and counselors alike.

As a psychologist who has worked more than 25 years as a “traditional” face-to-face counselor, I was skeptical at first. Could the client and I really establish a proper connection in cyberspace? What about my ability to read body language in a Zoom meeting? Would you be able to provide enough behind-the-screen emotional support to a client in emotional distress? She leaned me towards the cons, while the obvious pros muttered unconvincingly in the background.

My first online session didn’t do much to convince me otherwise: problems connecting to the Internet, no sound, and my uneasiness with the new “office” caused me to fail. However, after a few more sessions, things started to flow. It soon became a comfortable routine and the client was just as “real” in this setting. I’ve even had clients try both scenarios, in-person and online, and then opt to go online. The pros were starting to outweigh the cons, and why?

Tea advantages

Privacy: Most, if not all, clients place a high value on privacy when seeking mental health treatment. Online therapy offers additional privacy, since it is not necessary to go to an office, where one can meet other clients or therapists. This is particularly comfortable for a client who might leave the office feeling excited and in need of alone time.

Time and Logistics: No time (or cost) is wasted on transportation and a session can even take place during your lunch break at work or after work at the office. Even the car can occasionally be used as an office!

Effectiveness: Research has shown that online therapy can be just as effective in treating mental health issues such as depression, anxiety disorders, and mild to moderate addiction.

Accessibility: Anyone with a reliable internet connection can access an online meeting. This means that people living in remote locations, with disabilities or with children to care for can now easily access treatment.

Convenience – Online therapy done from the comfort of your home often gives you the ability to have sessions that fit your own schedule instead of standard office hours.

Location: There is no location! You can choose your preferred therapist regardless of the country in which you reside. Since I have worked in several different countries over the years, I have had the pleasure of being able to provide ongoing therapy to my clients around the world, even though we are

different countries and time zones.

Tea cons

Confidentiality. Keeping your personal information private is always a top priority in psychotherapy, but online counseling adds a layer of complexity, especially when the therapist sends information and exercises to the client instead of delivering them privately. It is an issue that must be addressed between the client and the therapist.

Sure. Some, but not all, insurance companies will agree to cover treatment online. However, in these corona times, insurance companies have also needed to adjust their claims. Still, checking with your insurance company can keep your mind at ease.

Not in treatment. People with acute distress, suicidal tendencies, or severe psychiatric illness will need immediate treatment or in-person care, and e-therapy cannot provide sufficient assistance in these cases. However, if you are already in online treatment, your counselor will be able to help direct you to the necessary institutions.

COVID-19. Last but not least, online therapy offers the obvious and 100% safe option to catch Covid at the office and avoid the hassles of quarantine. We recently had a counselor in the office with covid, and then clients and therapists who had been in close contact, including myself, had to quarantine for a week.

I hope this article was able to provide an overview of the pros and cons of online therapy. I am personally convinced and a big supporter of online treatment for clients with mild to moderate psychological problems and would highly recommend anyone who is still skeptical to give it a try!

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