Stunt Driving Tips: Stunt Drivers Get Zen With Your Car

The more you can feel and extend your sense of physical self to the car, the more you will feel what is happening with you, the car, and the road. In other words, you better drive.

“Half a warrior’s duty is to keep his sword sharp.”

Have you ever been on a trip where everything worked? I’m sure you have. Those records are great. Everything is happening, as it should. Shifts are silky smooth, cornering feels totally balanced, nothing surprises you and even the other drivers seem to be on your side. Your body might have felt like a part of the car. It wasn’t a person controlling a piece of metal, it was you, the car and the road, all together as one.

As stunt drivers, we must train ourselves to take advantage of that state whenever we want. All exceptional drivers have been able to learn this. You also can.

While driving, focus on the car as an extension of yourself. Focus on the steering wheel, the brake pedal, how your body makes contact with the car, the soles of your shoes. Everything in and around the car is an extension of you.

Think of the tires as four extensions of your body, your feet, where you are in contact with the ground. The four corners as being the exterior of your body. The steering wheel as your brain impulse to make you spin. The more you can connect with the car you are driving and the more you can feel what the car is doing and how it is responding to its surroundings, the better you will drive.

Isn’t that why we drive? This may all seem a bit ‘new age’ to some of you, but I think even the most redneck, macho, testosterone-driven among us would have to agree that we’re all aiming for that state of complete harmony.

On with the fun…

Be fast, be safe, be precise.

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