Six Habits of Highly Effective Teams

Anyone who has spent time in software development organizations knows that some teams seem to achieve superhuman productivity, and some teams just can’t do anything. I think the productivity ratio can be hundreds to one, no matter how you measure it. What is it about highly effective teams that allows them to progress so much with so little effort? These are some of the characteristics of these super teams.

  1. Highly effective teams have effective leaders and followers

    Highly effective team leaders know their team members well and know how to guide their teams and achieve compliance by motivating each individual in the most effective way. Leaders can step aside to allow a more experienced team member to take the lead on a particular task. Team members are comfortable taking direction from more than one source at a time, ranking priorities and contradictions, and doing the right thing with a minimum of supervision.

  2. Highly effective teams share an explicit goal

    Each team member may have their own personal goals, but all team members understand the common goal, because they all helped define it. Team members are willing to temporarily put their own goals aside to help the team achieve its overall goal.

  3. Highly effective teams are always learning

    Highly effective teams never assume that their way of working is the only effective way – they are constantly learning new techniques from each other, from other teams, and from books and experts. Highly effective teams even learn from their own mistakes: When something goes wrong, they realize what happened and make sure they never repeat it.

  4. Highly effective teams are not afraid of conflict

    Highly effective team members have learned that everyone is responsible for the quality of team work, so they are not afraid to challenge design assumptions, point out bugs, or suggest better processes. But they know how to respectfully disagree, receive suggestions in the spirit that was offered to them, and compromise when necessary.

  5. Highly effective teams are always innovating

    Team leaders and members are always looking for a better and more efficient way to get work done and are willing to experiment with new techniques and processes. Even when the new technique doesn’t improve, the team learns something that they can apply later.

  6. Highly effective teams celebrate early and often

    Highly effective team members know that developing software is similar to running a marathon and requires patience and stamina, so they get in the habit of celebrating small steps forward. Getting your first build clean, solving a nasty bug, or getting a 10% performance boost can be an occasion for pizza and beer after work.

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