Online dating description examples for men

One thing you can do to improve your chances of finding love online, or meeting a man or woman who will share your life and love and make you happy, is to write a great profile.

A profile that stands out will intrigue some women and make them want to find out who the guy behind that profile can offer them.

Accordingly, here are some online dating description examples for men that will help you in that regard, if you are a man.

1. Let women know what you love and why you love it

Show what you like instead of just saying it or just saying it. It will give women who visit your profile the impression that you are an interesting, communicative and fun-loving guy. Research also shows that showing what you love makes women feel like you’re an adventurous guy who can make them have fun and is more likely to text you so you can connect.

Also, let women know why you love what you love. It will give them a deeper insight into who you are and it will make your profile look much more interesting.

So you can write: “Last Saturday morning, I was a bit bored at the house, so I picked up my swimwear, drove to the swimming club here in Kumasi where I live, changed my blue jeans and the yellow t-shirt when I got there, and I jumped right into the pool. Ooooh, the water felt so good on my skin! That’s the way I spend my weekends. It helps me stay fit and healthy and helps me keep my 6 foot body in shape. “

2. Let them know your idiosyncrasies

If you want women who see your profile to know you well so that they know if they can connect well with you, share things about yourself that many men will not dare to share. For example, share some of your quirks and weird behaviors and weird things that you do when you are alone in your room or when you are with your friends. It will make your profile look unique.

For example, if you love watching movies, you might write: “I enjoy watching thrillers most of the time, but sometimes I also watch romantic or fantasy movies. You may have never heard of this, but you know I enjoy watching these? movies? When I’m wearing my shoes? Even if I’m in bed, I enjoy them better when my feet are covered. Isn’t that funny? I guess I’m some kind of weirdo, but that’s me. And I can assure you that you’ll enjoy watching one suspenseful scene in a thriller with me. I scream and scream as the antagonist tiptoes to snuff out the victim’s life … “and so on.

Or you can share how you feel when your sister gives you a hug or what goes through your head when you wake up in the morning. Things like that will tell a woman that you are an open guy who is ready to share intimate information with her and she will trust you more.

Consequently, a woman visiting your profile may think, “Wait a minute! This guy doesn’t seem like everyone else I’ve met on this site. What else has he got up his sleeve? Let me contact him. And find out. ! “

3. Don’t focus on what you don’t want, but on what you want

Proving that you are a positive guy can earn you a high rating in the eyes of women on the dating site. You can let women know that you are positive when you tell them the kind of woman you want and not the kind of woman you don’t like.

For example, instead of writing “I love watching thrillers. If you know you don’t love thrillers, don’t contact me,” write something like, “I’m looking for a woman who likes to watch romantic movies, read novels. romantic novels, but who doesn’t mind watching thrillers too? “This will make you look more friendly and sociable.


In this article, I have shared with you examples of men’s online dating descriptions. You can make these profiles great by giving details about what you love and why you love those things, quirks that will make women feel like you are a real man and what you want in a woman.

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