Misunderstanding of the MLM pyramid, it is actually inverted and fair

Many people who speak ill of the MLM industry use the pyramid structure to give the impression that it is a type of fraudulent business where the people at the top make all the money while the people at the bottom make a little. hundreds of dollars. Can you see anything? I’ll show you…

The above is only true in traditional businesses. Those great companies that you see every day and in which you are currently employed.

The structure of the MLM business pyramid is inverted. How? Well, people in the network marketing business start at the bottom and have the opportunity to rise to the top where there is plenty of room for as many people as possible who are ready to work hard and commit 3-5 years to get there. the top.

In an inverted pyramid structure, the space at the top is huge. Climbing to the top does not create competition among others who are already there. The same is not true in the traditional corporate pyramid structure. Space at the top is very limited and only lucky employees or those with additional talent and education make it to the top of the structure.

It takes many years to reach the top of the traditional pyramid structure, while in the MLM business you can reach the top of the pyramid in less than 5 years.

In traditional business, you become a liability to the company by rising to the top due to increased revenue. In the MLM business pyramid, you become more valuable to the company and to your leader by climbing the structure no matter how much you earn. That’s why MLM leaders are more than happy to help you scale the structure quickly, and you do it while you’re having fun building your business from the comfort of your own home.

Lastly, the inverted pyramid of MLM allows you to earn more income than your leader who introduced you to the business. You are paid according to the effort you put into your business, unlike traditional businesses where the people at the top who do little earn the big checks and it is not possible for the people at the bottom to earn more than the people at the top. Is your salary more than your boss’s? I suppose not..

Now that you’ve read this far, which of the pyramids do you think is unfair?

Aliyu Odumosu

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