Loose Vagina: Causes, Consequences and an Herbal Remedy to Tighten It

There are millions of women all over the world who at some point in their lives suffer from the problem of a loose vagina. In this article, let us find out the causes of a loose vagina and some of the available remedies through which a vagina can be tightened again.


The vagina has to perform multiple functions like urination, sexual intercourse, labor, etc. All of these functions put pressure on the vaginal muscles causing them to lose their firmness over a period of time (usually in their early thirties, women begin to experience looseness in the vagina).


The biggest consequence of the loose vagina is in the sexual life of both members of the couple because the sensation of penetration is almost lost, which is the most important part of sexual enjoyment, so women tend to start suffering from libido problems. low that can cause problems in a relationship. and sometimes even kill it. There are also other health problems that are mainly found in women with loose vagina like urinary incontinence and vaginal odor.

Corrective measures

There are two ways through which a vagina can be tightened again, one is through surgery and the other is through the use of natural herbs.

1. Surgical procedure

Surgery is the fastest way to help the vagina back to its original shape and size, but the main drawback is that it costs a lot of money and is only good until the next pregnancy and as we all know, there are always chances of side effects and complications when one goes into the operating room.

2.Natural herbs

There are certain herbs that have rich skin firming properties and when applied to the skin they make the skin tighter. These herbs are in the form of a cream and applied to the vagina and its adjacent parts, which makes the vagina narrower by almost 30% without causing any side effects. The best thing about these creams is that they produce instant results, so they are effective from the first day of application.

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