Lice Removal: The Best Treatments To Get Rid Of Lice

Head lice are more common than you might think and are not a sign of poor personal hygiene. Read on for the best natural, herbal, and conventional treatments to get rid of head lice. Get rid of those annoying lice forever.

Head lice (pediculus capitis) are tiny, almost transparent insects that live on the scalp of the hair, where they suck blood and cause itching and irritation. They lay eggs, known as nits, which can be seen as small white specks near the hair shaft.

Female lice can lay around 6 eggs a day, so an infested scalp can have up to 100 eggs.

Lice infestations are common in children, as they spread rapidly in schools, especially if children share combs or hats, hair accessories, or have close head-to-head contact.


insecticidal shampoo
There are a number of over-the-counter insecticidal shampoos you can buy that are effective treatments. There are three common and proven active ingredients: Dimethicone, which is more commonly known by the trade name “Hedrin.” Isopropyl myristate and cyclomethicone solutions you can find under the name “Full Marks Solution”. malathion, which is marketed under different trade names, and permethrin, which is probably the best-known and most popular conventional treatment.

Consult with your doctor if your child suffers from allergies, asthma or eczema before use and always do a small test first in case of allergic reaction. You should also always follow the instructions very carefully on the package. In many cases you will need to apply the products at least twice, sometimes a third time, as the eggs take 7-10 days to hatch and may not be seen clearly by the human eye.

The other potential drawback is that lice can become resistant to chemicals that have been used too many times, so you may need to try different solutions.

wet hairstyle
If you want to get rid of head lice naturally, without using chemicals, you can wet your child’s hair and scalp and use a fine-toothed comb (the best option is a specially designed nit comb available at most drug stores (they cost about $4-$5) to comb out lice and nits. Take your time with this, making sure you’ve combed all areas well. Clean the comb with a piece of tissue after each stroke and ensure that the tissue is disposed of carefully. Once this is done, some people go through the whole head once more. Either way, you will need to repeat this every 2-4 days for up to 14 days to make sure all the nits are gone. Bonus Tip: You may want to coat your child’s hair in conditioner or olive oil just so you can gently comb it through.


Turmeric and Neem
Turmeric powder mixed with Neem (a botanical pesticide from an oriental tree) was found to be 98% effective in an Indian study. Apply to a child’s damp hair, comb well and wash. You can also find neem in ready-to-use shampoo form.

Quassia bark has been used as a nit treatment in many parts of the world. Quassia is a composite made from the wood and bark of quassia and picrasma trees. You buy it in tincture form and use it again to style your hair and scalp.


Once the head lice have been removed, take the following steps to prevent them from coming back:

1. Inform your child’s school so that they can take preventive measures
2. Check the hair of the rest of the family for lice
3. Do not share hats, combs, or hair accessories with other children.
4. Regularly check your child’s hair

One final note. There is no need to keep head lice a secret from your child or other parents. It does not mean that your child is dirty. Tell your child what is happening so he understands the cause of the itchy head, and give him a treat once the lice have been removed.

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