Learning the float serve

One of the most important skills you can develop as a volleyball player is the float serve. A ball that is all on a float serve will actually float in the air instead of just being thrown forward. This type of service is important for several reasons. A floating ball can be difficult to track; it can be difficult to decide exactly where the ball will land. Because of this, defenders need to be on their toes to make sure they are ready to move when the ball comes to them. Another importance of the float serve is the fact that the wind can catch and direct a float ball, causing it to land in a seemingly random location. The float can also be difficult to return due to its lack of spin.

Floating Service Theory:

Any ball hit over the net floats its way, right? The thing to understand about a float serve is that the ball has no spin. Removing spin from a ball allows more air to affect the course of the ball from all directions. This gives it the ability to be affected by updrafts and wind currents with less resistance. Imagine a bouncing ball without any spin bouncing off a wall. That bounce is more likely to follow a path exactly opposite to the direction it hits the wall. When the same ball is hit against a wall while spinning, the ball tends to bounce off at a completely different angle, often losing some of its speed in the process. Knowing float serve theory should help you understand what you’re trying to accomplish by serving.

Floating Serve Technique:

The actual physical mechanics of serving a float ball can be quite easy to master. The method described here is for a right-handed server, but can be reversed for left-handers. When serving, you should stand about a foot behind the baseline, with your left foot in front, pointing straight ahead, and your right foot turned almost to the side supporting your weight. Looking straight ahead should give your body a 45-degree angle at the waist. Hold the ball in front of you with your left hand, at about waist level. Your right hand should be pointing up behind your head, slightly bent. Throw the ball a little above your head, slightly in front of you. Shift your weight to your left foot and hit the back of the ball with the palm of your hand. You should only go halfway.

Floating serve tips:

Once you’ve mastered the mechanics, it’s time to perfect the technique. When you hold the ball, you should hold it so that the air hole is in the center of your palm. The air hole is the heaviest part of the ball and will be the most affected by gravity. If it is upside down, the ball will not spin when pulled down the vent hole. You also want to make sure that you hit the ball right in the center, with just the palm of your hand. Using your fingers or hitting it anywhere except in the center of the ball will put more pressure on one side, causing it to spin. As you shift your weight forward, drag your back leg along the path of the punch. This helps guide your body in the straight line it needs to hit the ball correctly.

With a little good practice, you will find it relatively easy to hit a float serve. This will create a ball that can be difficult to return, thus creating an opening for a point without the ball even hitting the net. The perfect float serve can mean the difference between a good player and a great player.

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