How to lower bad cholesterol

Lowering cholesterol doesn’t have to be something that only drugs can do. Not all cholesterol is bad. You have two types in your blood; one is considered good and the other is considered bad.

The two types are known as low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL).

It’s the LDL levels that you should be most concerned about.

When your LDL levels are too high, cholesterol builds up on the walls of your arteries. Your arteries harden over time, reducing the flow of oxygen and blood to your heart. If left unchecked, the arteries can become completely blocked and lead to a heart attack.

How can you prevent a heart attack and lower your cholesterol levels at the same time?

Follow these few simple rules:

Change your diet:

Foods high in saturated and trans fats can increase cholesterol levels. It is necessary to reduce the intake of foods that contain these fats. This includes fried foods and fatty meats. You also need to reduce the amount of sugar you eat.

Sugar can be converted to carbohydrates when not burned. The carbohydrates then turn into fat and increase cholesterol levels. Eat a healthy diet that is made up of fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean meats.

Lose weight:

Being overweight can increase your cholesterol levels and the risk of having a heart attack. Losing weight can raise your HDL levels and lower your LDL levels.

Exercise regularly:

Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. It will help you lose weight, give you more energy, and make you feel better. Brisk walking, lifting weights, and yoga are all beneficial to your health.

Change the way you cook:

Instead of frying foods, bake, broil, or broil them. You can add flavor to your food by using a variety of herbs, spices, and a little salt. You’ll get the tasty food you want, without all the extra calories and fat you don’t need.

Healthy Snacks:

Eat snacks that are made from whole grains. They are full of fiber that makes you feel full. One of the biggest battles in weight loss is curbing hunger pangs. When you eat high-fiber snacks, you won’t have this problem.

It is not difficult to improve your health. Just follow these simple tips and you will lower your cholesterol level in no time.

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