How To Get A Girl To Chase You Like A Lovesick Puppy – Discover 2 Inside Secrets To Make Her Beg!

Do you want to learn how to make a girl chase you? Well, listen very carefully, most likely you have overcomplicated the matter! There is a very simple way to do this, be sure to read this full article to learn the secrets.

There is a problem with the average guy approach. The problem is the way they behave. The first thing they do is beg women for some of their time. They see a sexy girl, they run up to them and shower them with compliments. What makes you think that? Let me tell you – loser!

Yeah, that’s what I just said, she’ll think you’re a joke! Especially if she is very pretty. Think about it, she’s probably approached by 10 or more men a night, all with the same basic lines. Can you see the problem?

1 – Change your strategy

If you want to make him chase you, you have to change the way you do things. When you think about it, it’s pretty logical. Instead of running to women who grab your attention, you need to let them take an interest in you first.

This will put you in charge and dictate the pace. Forget about her dominating the direction of events, you must be the leader.

2 – How to make a girl like you

What you have to do is get their attention and then act calmly. Don’t get too excited as soon as he responds to you. If you do that, you’ll be back where you started.

Let me give you an example to help you understand how to get a girl to chase you. You see a pretty girl in a bar and she is with a group of friends. She then goes to get some drinks. You also make your way to buy some drinks.

You’re served before she is, so you tell the bartender, “I think the lady was first.” Then you look at her and smile at her. She will appreciate your kind gesture and start a conversation. Then you offer to bring drinks to the group. This is where you really make your mark. Then you start to introduce yourself to the group and get her respect.

After you’ve done that, you say you have to go to the bathroom and don’t come back. At that point, the lady will want you to come back and talk. Instead, you deliberately don’t. Over time she will get closer to you. This is where you get the power. Be nice and talk to her without trying to find her number. This will make her more eager to have you.

Leave her for a while and start flirting with other ladies to make her want you even more. She will then approach you demanding some attention. You are now in control and have learned how to make a girl chase you like a lovesick puppy!

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