How to get a girl into bed using seduction routines: three strategies

Techniques on how to get a girl into bed can be developed, and seduction routines are some of the most useful out there. In this article, I intend to discuss seduction routines as much as I can.

First, let’s define what routines are. Routines are scripts or themes that you run every time you’re with a woman. These routines are created and practiced for a specific purpose, which is often to galvanize a woman into action.

A routine is something that can be performed in its original form whenever you need to in order to make a girl fall in love with you. You know it works when you can get the same reaction from using it. Routines are a great way to create conversation, as well as get sexual responses from women.

Here are some sample routines:

– Ask him to make a wish while you brush a glitter or a fallen eyelash from his cheek.

– Propose a toast to celebrate the exact moment you found your soul mate (her).

– High five and hug a girl you don’t know in a crowded bar while watching a football game.

If a routine is boring, it’s not effective in getting a girl’s attention. If it works, you’re on your way to getting laid. Whether or not a pick-up routine is boring, it can improve your chances of getting a girl into bed in the same night. But remember that if a routine fails, it may not be the routine but your delivery that is wrong.

3 strategies to use seduction routines to get a girl into bed

1. Use an old routine that has worked in the past.

There are routines that have always been effective, and men use them in different settings. Some routines have been around forever and still work depending on how you use them. A routine can be used more than once, as long as you can carry it out each time you use it. Remember, every girl reacts differently, and some girls who respond immediately to your routine may be more playful than other girls you’ve tried the routine with in the past.

Many naturals use routines and tell variations of the same stories to different girls to get the same reaction. Many people, when socializing, make use of routines because they are effective strategies to attract a girl, make her laugh and attract her.

2. Create a conversation between routines

But I don’t recommend using a set of routines and relying on them during a conversation. There is too artificial an interaction with a woman. Socializing strictly in routines can make dating difficult, especially if you don’t have a follow-up in case a routine doesn’t get the reaction you want.

Routines are important in the seduction process because they give you something to talk about. You can use routines while talking about traveling or when you ask him to check the new magic cape you have in your notebook. A lot of guys have trouble finding things to say, but once you learn a routine, you can get at least 30, 60, or 90 seconds of seductive material to keep the conversation going.

3. Use routines to push your buttons

Some routines are only good for one thing, and that is to get the girl to act in response to a statement. If you ever need to steer a conversation in a specific direction, you can use a routine to do it for you. One routine is to splash her drink so some of the drops land on her arm. You can joke about getting her wet and include as many innuendoes as you can in your statement.

If a routine fails, you may need to modify it a bit. Some of the common reactions are: she asks you a question, she laughs, she giggles, and she touches you. The reaction is of secondary importance compared to the fact that she reacted. If you want to learn the proper way to get a girl into bed, you need to learn how routines can help you push things forward.

Passage points or openings are extremely crucial in seduction, and routines can help create them for you. A way point is an opportunity for you to close the interaction in a way that works for you. You may want to ask her out, get her number, have her leave the place with you, or just ask her somewhere else for a drink in the evening. Openings can also arise during your routine.

If you can open all the points along the way in the 4-step seduction process using routines, you will have 90% more success in seducing women.

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