How to clean crystals

The gemstone energy medicine movement resurfaced decades ago with interest in crystals for healing and crystal clusters to raise the vibrations of rooms. If healing stones are cared for properly, their capabilities are vast. When applied therapeutically, crystals help release unwanted energies from the patient’s body and aura. Over time, these unwanted energies build up on the surface of the crystals, as well as in the energy field that surrounds them. Just as clutter on a desk can hamper your ability to work, unwanted energies in a crystal interfere with its healing powers, and stones need to be cleaned.

If you use crystal clusters in your home or office to help keep the room atmosphere clean and lively, clean the crystals every time you dust, or about once every week or two. This will allow them to work in the best way. Healing crystals should be cleaned after every treatment session you use them on. If you don’t clean your crystals as suggested, three consequences can occur. Firstly, the negative energies that the healing crystals pick up could be passed on to the next person to receive the treatment. Second, you as a practitioner may unconsciously pick up on these energies. Ultimately, the crystal can continue to absorb unwanted energies, which will further cloud the crystal, making it less effective as a healing tool.

The good news is that crystals respond particularly well to cleaning. Start by cleansing your healing crystals with water. This will remove any dust and dirt that accumulates on the surface of the crystals. Use plain water from your sink only if the tap water is not chlorinated. You will also need an old toothbrush and some mild soap or detergent. Hold your crystals under running water, put a little detergent on your toothbrush and brush the crystal surfaces.

While the soap removes physical dirt and dust from the crystals, the movement of running water helps remove unwanted energies that your healing crystals may have picked up during therapeutic use, or while helping to maintain energy in an elevated room. and clear. If your tap water is treated, pour some purified water into a large measuring cup or pitcher. Clean the crystals with the soapy toothbrush as before, but instead of using the faucet, rinse them by pouring purified water over them.

Once the crystals are physically cleansed, you can also cleanse your energy field using a gem formula energy cleansing cleansing spray. This will remove any unwanted energies that the energy field may have picked up.

While using soap and plain water on crystals is effective in removing unwanted energies, this method is not effective in removing electromagnetic radiation (EMR) that the crystals may have picked up from a patient’s body and aura during a session. of therapy. Crystals can also absorb EMR from environments with high electromagnetic fields. A gem formula EMR protection spray was designed to handle this situation. Spray your crystals with this formula to eliminate electromagnetic radiation.

Next, spray your crystals with a Gem Formula Diamond Healing Rejuvenating Spray. This will remove the accumulated energy from the blueprints of the crystals to provide information about their true purpose. You, as a practitioner, can intuitively decide how far from the crystals to hold the spray, and also at what angle. The more carefully you customize spray cleaning, the more effective it will be.

By using both soap and water to physically cleanse your crystals, and gem formula sprays to energetically cleanse them, your crystals will be able to express their fullest healing potential.

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