How about a Ratchet Spinner for your racquetball racket? a new concept

Have you ever noticed that when you play racquetball you have all kinds of nervous energy? Meaning, as the other person runs for the ball or serves, your body begins to tremble in anticipation of your next move. What if you could take that nervous energy and do something with it? What’s on my mind you ask? Well, I have an idea for a new team for the game of racquetball. Something I think would make it more exciting, fun to play and keep your mind, body and soul 110% in the game at all times.

What if your racquetball handle had a ratchet? What if you could twist it with your wrist, allowing it to wind up, before delivering the next blow? This could be something like pumping a shotgun before getting your next target, or how old gunslingers used to twirl their old Colt 45s around on their fingers. Have you ever put a socket on a bolt and turned the ratchet? It would look similar to this, and then when you’re ready to take the shot, you’d stop moving your wrist, it would open up, and it would lock into place.

However, during the time you were turning the ratchet, you would be winding the energy into the racquetball racket, and then as you moved it forward to hit the ball, it would act more like a giant rubber band. This would allow him to hit the ball harder and faster based on the number of times he turned the ratchet on that handle before hitting the ball. This would mean that whoever is serving will want to serve the ball very quickly so as not to leave you a lot of time to ratchet up your racket.

It would make the game more dynamic as well as provide faster gameplay. Am I trying to reinvent the wheel or the racket in this case? Yes, I suppose, but again; No, not really. However, the last time I went to a local gym they had racquetball courts and I noticed no one played for more than two hours while I was there. Why did I wonder? It’s because racquetball has lost its nuance and it’s lost its style, and fewer people are playing the sport these days. Perhaps this could get him back on track with this innovative little change to the team. In fact, I hope you will please consider all this and think about it.

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