Great attitude equals persistence

Persistent, based on the free Merriam Webster Dictionary, states that persistent is: 1. Continuing steadfastly or stubbornly in a course of action despite difficulty or opposition. 2. Characterized by a specified pattern of habitual behavior, esp. a dishonest or undesirable one. That brings me to my next question, what is your persistence?

You are persistent?

How many times have you found the next best option? Take advantage of the opportunity that you think will give you a carefree life and to earn money. Then, in two weeks, see another opportunity that piques your interest because you haven’t seen the success in the opportunity you have now. So you jump to the next big thing. Before you know it, you’ve had plenty of opportunities that you’ve joined and left in a matter of months, which then turns into years. Were you being persistent in your life to stay focused on a business and work it to your maximum benefit? Of course not.

Why be persistent?

Being persistent in what you do definitely pays off. Why is this? Well, it’s because you’re focusing on one thing, which is your business, and you’re working to make it work. When you are persistent in making your business successful, you will begin to see results. Will it arrive quickly? Maybe yes, or maybe not. You just have to keep at it because the moment you feel like you’re going nowhere or making no progress, that’s most likely the moment you’re about to make a breakthrough.

Many people fail in life because they believe in the adage; If you can’t, try something else. But success eludes those who follow such advice… Dreams that have come true did so because people stuck to their ambitions. They refused to be discouraged. They never let disappointment get the upper hand. The challenges only pushed them to greater effort. ~ Don B. Owens Jr.

Persistence = Positive Attitude

Now that we understand that you have to suck it up and focus that you are going to be persistent. When you are persistent you will have a positive attitude. Having a positive attitude is important. It is the springboard to start with your personal life and your business to be successful. Having a positive attitude will definitely make it easier for you to be persistent.

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