Get out of the inertia to reap the benefits of running

When you look at the list of benefits available to regular runners, you wonder why not everyone does it! The answer to that question is found in Newton’s first law of motion (there are three, in case you’re keeping count!). Back in 1687, Sir Isaac Newton may never have imagined that his law of inertia would apply to human behavior and motivation, but the fact is this: we are all products of our habits and are inclined to go along with whatever. routine we have established. Newton claimed that unless an outside force is exerted, an object in motion tends to stay in motion; and, if I may paraphrase a bit, a couch potato (who is out of motion) tends to accumulate layers of flab in unattractive places.

So if you want to start a running program, but keep procrastinating, don’t feel guilty. You are nothing more than a self-imposed victim of Newton’s first law of motion: that is, the law of inertia. The same is true if you’ve taken a break from running or exercising and can’t seem to get back on track. It’s not your fault! Blame it on the tendency of an object at rest, you, in this case, to remain at rest. After all, you can’t fight nature, right? Well, in this case you can; and if you persist, you will almost certainly win. Few rewards worth achieving come easy – but when it comes to running, the effort is more than worth it! Here are some reasons why.

What are the real benefits of running?

Well, you really shouldn’t look at this list of benefits until after your doctor has given you the go-ahead to start a running regimen, because you don’t want to start something that isn’t advisable. Okay, assuming your doctor has told you that you’re healthy enough to start or resume a regular running program, here’s the “short list” of benefits you can reasonably expect from running a few times a week. Most people who run regularly, and do, tend to look much better, feel better, have more energy, handle stress more effectively, feel more attractive, have a more positive self-image, perform better at sports. , and be more successful in reaching your goal weight. It’s no secret that regular aerobic exercise, like running, trains the cardiovascular system (also known as the circulatory system) to work more efficiently. Assuming you don’t have pre-existing conditions, the benefits of maintaining a running program generally include more endurance, a stronger heart, and a younger body, inside and out.

The important thing to remember is that feeling good (or bad) tends to have a cascading effect, so the rewards of feeling healthier, more energetic, productive, stronger, and more attractive will expand, rather than remain constant. And that’s where Newton’s Law ends and the law of self-determination begins. I don’t know if there’s really a set of principles assigned to that second law, but it’s definitely something worth exploring!

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