Core Workouts: Find the Right One for You

Most of the research done these days on exercise points to core workouts. It’s the best way to use your time in the gym and get the most out of your exercise routine. Find the right core workout for you!

Yes it’s true! Many fitness professionals are discovering that you don’t have to spend three hours a day in the gym to get in shape! It’s better to increase the intensity of your workout rather than the amount of time in the gym. And what better way to increase intensity than a core workout? So let’s go over some of the basic core workouts, how to do them, and why.

I’ll start by letting you know that the core of the body is the midsection. Many workouts incorporate many different parts of the body in the same movement. For example, a kettlebell swing is a great core exercise. Holding the kettlebell in both hands in front of you between your legs, drop your body into a squat. When you come out of the squat, in the same motion, you’ll swing the kettlebell overhead, at the same time driving your hips forward. When you come back down into a squat bend, or squat sitting position, you allow the kettlebell to swing down between your legs. In just this move, you’re working your core muscles (abdominal muscles), hip flexors, glutes, quads, and shoulders. You’re also getting a little cardio at the same time! GREAT basic exercise!

This is just an example. Yoga is another basic exercise. Every time you use balance and strength, you are coming from the center of the body. Most sports and movements come from the core and can benefit from core workouts! Think about baseball. The movement of a swing is the arms, but the real force comes from the core. This applies to basketball, football, golf, boxing, martial arts, gymnastics, wrestling…and this list could go on and on.

There are so many benefits to core workouts, because ALL movement starts at the core. Discovering different basic exercises and performing them frequently is a good idea. Many of the crossfit movements also engage these muscle groups. Building endurance and strength in this area will be very beneficial not only for your sports, but also for your daily lifting.

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