Choosing cameras for your closed circuit television (CCTV) system

CCTV or closed circuit television systems have become a vital part of our lives due to the technological advancements of this age. With security concerns on the rise, nearly every home and office needs surveillance just to make sure you can replay events in case something goes wrong. As a result of the high demand for CCTV systems, many brands have emerged. This makes it difficult for people without much technical knowledge to make the right decisions when purchasing CCTV systems.

Some factors to consider when choosing cameras

There is a wide range of CCTV cameras, but mainly in 2 categories. These categories are analog and Internet Protocol (IP). IP cameras are those that connect to the video recording device using CAT6 wiring, while analog cameras connect to the recorder using coaxial cable and a standard 12-volt direct current (DC) or 240-volt alternating current. .

Factors to consider when choosing cameras for your setup include

• The type of image you need to capture

• The place or area under surveillance

• The detail you need to capture

• The budget for your entire installation

Some people need images for proper identification, such as license plates, while others just want to capture an image that can give an idea of ​​events taking place. For those looking for specific detail in footage, the type of camera used should be one that can accurately capture such detail. These situations can be the determining factor between choosing fixed-lens cameras and varifocal cameras and, in some cases, even pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras.

Varifocal cameras are always best designed for situations where you may need to zoom in on an image and still see a good resolution image. However, they will have a slightly higher cost compared to fixed lens cameras. Fixed-lens cameras, on the other hand, are more affordable, but won’t be able to expand an image while keeping the resolution intact. PTZ cameras are the most effective but also the most expensive. The high cost of PTZ cameras is due to their design. They can always rotate in different directions and can cover 360 degrees. They can also be programmed to turn in a specific sequence or even follow the direction of any movement depending on the make and model.

Installing cameras in outdoor situations requires extra caution. This is because such cameras can be exposed to harsher conditions and even vandalism. For this reason, you may need to opt for cameras with additional housings to prevent damage from rain and animals, such as birds and cats, who may be tempted to patch them. It is also important to note that the type of wiring required for outdoor cameras is different than for cameras used indoors. For internet protocol cameras, you should use outdoor CAT6 cables, also known as shielded twisted pair (STP). Indoor cameras, on the other hand, can use Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)

Varifocal vs. Fixed Lens Cameras

Perhaps one of the main reasons to always go for the more expensive varifocal lens cameras is the fact that their lenses can always be adjusted to capture images, even after installation. Sometimes the environment under surveillance may change after installing the cameras. If this happens with fixed lens cameras, you need to go back to the site and physically place the cameras again. However, varifocal lens cameras make it easier because one can easily log into the camera and expand or move it to capture the ideal image without having to physically change position.

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