Behavioral Triggers Every Ecommerce Site Should Be Aware Of

Every aspect of the ecommerce site matters to them, from website speed, product display, to checkout, and product reviews when it comes to shopping. Studies of online behavior revealed that the attitude, intentions, and preferences of individual shoppers vary from situation to situation. They have many buying guidelines in terms of convenience, choice of style, price, reliability, etc. before sealing any deal. Therefore, it is critical that all retailers consider all behavioral triggers if they want to have an online store upfront that caters for all buyers’ conditions.

The following points explain what are those characteristics of an e-commerce website that influence the buying behavior of online customers.

Website design and usability

The visual appearance and ease of use of a site decide whether a visitor will stay or just walk away. Clearly, a poorly presented site with a boring perspective will turn them off. Similarly, complicated navigation can cause them to lose patience. Therefore, retailers should pay equal attention to the design and usability of the site.


Forced registration or login makes many visitors repel, even after loading their carts with products because most find the process annoying, with too much information being requested to enter. While paying as a guest is the best way to deal with first-time visitors, streamlining the mandatory check-in process for repeat purchases is quite helpful.

Loading time

Customer satisfaction decreases with every second increase in website loading time. Therefore, to ensure that no visitors return to the search engine of other similar sites, as your site does not load quickly, optimize the speed of the website. Ideally, 4-5 seconds of charging time makes them happy.


Not only the payment, but the payment options are also important in the purchase decision of the customers. It’s about reliability. Many are not convinced not to buy at the transaction stage because there are no trust stamps. Therefore, retailers need to make sure that the checkout page has trust badges, naming the payment gateway, and also the “Money Back Guarantee” badge can expressively increase the conversion rate.

Live chat

Who doesn’t need help buying things online? Visitors often want to speak directly with the sales team to clear up confusion about shipping policies, inquire about any product, request a refund, or resolve transaction issues if one arises. Live chat helps them do that, and online shopping studies also revealed that live chat features increase repeat purchases.

Customer Reviews

Online shoppers are more calculating than in-store shoppers. They go through reviews, ratings and comments of any product from the first behaviors before finalizing their order. So, make sure your site has a proper section on every product page where customers can include their ratings, opinions, and experiences on a product.

All said and done, if you want to enter the online marketplace and survive with your head held high, then you must follow what their hearts want. These are the most crucial influencers on the ecommerce site that can make or break a visitor’s purchasing decision. Therefore, you must incorporate them correctly when it comes to creating your own shopping site.

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