A Fresh New Beginning

When I met my wife (Carmen) at age 26, I was drowning in a sea of ​​debt! I am now debt free and a billionaire. During this process I discovered that money can become a great tool. It will take you where you want, but you have to become the driver. The play now, pay later principle didn’t work for me. My wrong mindset towards money was getting me deeper and deeper in debt!

“Never spend your money before you have it.” -Thomas Jefferson

4 ways to save lives for a fresh start

My wife hated debt, I was fine with it. This caused an intense fight in our marriage at first. She hated working three jobs to be free.

1. Dedicate yourself to a new way of living

The dictionary is the only place where you will find success before work. I thought my previous lifestyle was living, but I didn’t realize that I was in a prison. I decided that freedom was a better way to live, so I wrote my debt on paper and put it on our fridge.

“The speed of your success is limited only by your dedication and what you are willing to sacrifice.” -Nathan W. Morris

Every time we paid a debt, I would put a line in the previous total and write down the next amount. I needed the visual reminder to motivate a lifestyle change.

2. Educate yourself to get up

I also hated reading. When we started the process, I started reading books to develop myself. My mind started to break free! When I started investing in knowledge, my interests expanded in so many ways!

“The rich are constantly learning and growing. The poor think they already know.” -T.Harv Eker

The combined stimulus of seeing the books (that I had read) pile up and the debt go down gave me a new focus. I began to pick myself up and change for the better.

3. Believe in your dreams

Debt freedom became a possibility, so I start dreaming of bigger things. I realized that it takes just as much imagination to get into debt as it does to build wealth! I saw our family with investments, land and wealth.

“Empty pockets never stopped anyone. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.” -Norman Vincent Peale

Our debt had been reduced by more than half. As I watched the process work, this added fuel to my dreams. The images came true!

4. Take all the necessary steps to start over

Our plan was simple. He would work three jobs until the debt was gone. Then I would have two jobs to earn a living and accumulate wealth. Many love to wish but it is those who plan and act who see their dreams come true!

“Don’t tell me what you value, show me your budget and I’ll tell you what you value.” -Joe Biden

We started to renovate our house, we started a small business, we saved money on investments. Today I am a new person!

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