7 Tech Trends to Add to Your Small Business Startup to Attract an Angel Investor

Angel investing is on the rise, and your small business startup needs to capitalize on all available opportunities. Venture capitalists are on the lookout for new companies to invest in that are currently on the cutting edge of technology and are taking chances with these advancing trends. You’ll find that investors are eager to put their investment dollars into these technologies so they can reap future returns. While the rewards can be great for an angel investor, these technology trends will also help your business begin to attract those funding dollars.

artificial intelligence

AI isn’t new to the scene, but for 2018, it’s making significant progress. By enabling companies to do more with less, AI will become a fundamental change in the way a company does business today and tomorrow. Startups that bring AI into the fold will experience a change in the way they can perform routine tasks, allowing them to focus on their customers. Angel investors see this as a win-win situation, as they get to invest in a cutting-edge technology, as well as a startup that is leading the way with its use. Your startup will do well if it has AI as part of its repertoire and will see more interest in funding in 2018.

social networks

The uses of social media to up your consumer game are a boon for investors looking for startups that are succeeding in their customer engagement. While social media is not a newcomer technology, those that have a strong endgame will gain a lot in terms of sales revenue. Social media is proving to be the technology platform that brings us all together and gives startups the recognition they need right from the start. Venture capitalists are enamored with its use by start-ups as they see the power it offers and the benefits a startup can reap. The use of social networks to boost your business in 2018 will be key to obtaining financing from an investor, since it recognizes the strengths that it offers to its consumers.

block chain

Blockchain is another fringe technology expected to burst onto the scene with a fury in 2018. Its ability to provide a real-time ledger of transactions can give your business the transparency it needs to get the nod from a waiting venture capitalist in the wings. Your business start-up will benefit from Blockchain’s ability to provide stable and error-free operations, while angel investors benefit from investing in a technology that has proven its worth. You will see funding offers from a number of investors if your business startup uses Blockchain to its maximum advantage within your organization.

internet of things

The Internet of Things is moving steadily into the New Year, and you’ll see IoT just about everywhere. With consumers becoming more connected than ever before, IoT offers an opportunity for new products and services that enhance IoT capabilities in the home, business, and community. Angel investors know the allure of IoT and how it is changing the way consumers interact and live their lives. They want to get in with startups that are using this technology to advance their business, engage with consumers, and improve their business operations. Count on IoT as a way to attract venture capitalists and secure funding in 2018.

big data

Data is everywhere these days, and it will only increase next year. Startups like yours will be able to use big data to understand every aspect, detail, and nuance of your customers, so you can create the products and services they want. With big data changing the way startups interact with their customers and deliver unique customer experiences, it means there’s a lot of evolution on the horizon. Angel investors are interested in the possibilities that all this available data can bring, and they know that companies that harness the information can lead their industry by leaps and bounds. Use big data to improve the start-up operations of your business, and keep an eye out for venture capitalists who will be calling in with a lot of interest and fanfare about your company this year.

Cyber ​​Security

While 2017 was a year many will remember for its security breaches, this year brings a turn of events as startups integrate or offer cybersecurity services to better protect their customer data. This cybersecurity will change the way businesses across all industries operate and provide the level of security needed to protect that sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands. New businesses that use cybersecurity to protect their business or create products and services for others that help protect their information will be successful in the coming year. Angel investors will show interest in these efforts as the need for a secure data protocol is growing without hesitation.

Virtual reality

Also, on the sidelines in 2018 is virtual reality. This technology gives you the ability to interact with your customers in a new and exciting way. Through a more desirable customer experience, VR can help your business increase your number of customers, as well as your revenue, as VR improves workflow and customer access across your niche. . Angel investors want to participate in AR as an investment opportunity, and starting your business will attract their attention now and in the future with this technology at their expense.

Integrating any of these technologies into your business startup shows a strong sense of understanding and initiative to grow your customer base and profit this year and next. Angel investors want to get their hands wet with these new technologies so they can be where the growth is with these trends. Think about how these technologies can help your business start-up succeed in 2018 and secure the funds you need to get off the ground. You’ll be surprised how much attention you get when you make the first move with any of these technology trends and reap the benefits of an investor’s investment in your company.

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