5 common causes of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids develop when the veins in and around the rectum become irritated and swollen.

Most cases of hemorrhoids are not severe enough to warrant medical attention, but they can be quite painful and uncomfortable until the outbreak subsides.

They can occur for a multitude of reasons, but some of the most common causes of hemorrhoids are:


Overexertion due to constipation is probably the most common cause of hemorrhoids.

When straining to have a bowel movement, the veins in the rectum can agitate and expand, causing a flare-up of hemorrhoids.

To avoid straining, only go to the bathroom when you feel like it and don’t sit on the toilet longer than necessary.

Also, try taking a fiber supplement or stool softener to help things run more smoothly.

It is also recommended to eat a healthy fiber-rich diet consisting of fruits, lean protein, and vegetables.

Sitting for prolonged periods of time

Sitting for long periods of time is another major cause for this condition to occur.

When you sit for hours on end, your lower body supports all of your weight. This continued pressure can cause the veins to become irritated and swollen, leading to a flare-up.

To reduce the chances of this happening, get up and stretch about once an hour for a few minutes.

These little breaks can help to significantly reduce the chance of hemorrhoids occurring.


Carrying excess weight can put additional strain on all parts of the body, including the rear.

This extra weight can be a trigger for this condition to develop.

To avoid this, you should try to keep your weight within a healthy range for your body size and type by exercising and eating healthier.

low fiber diet

Not getting enough fiber in your diet leads to constipation, which causes straining.

Constipation related straining is considered to be the main cause of hemorrhoids.

Adding more fiber to your diet from fruits and vegetables or through fiber supplements can help bulk up your stool and keep your digestive flow smooth, reducing the chance of a flare-up.

The pregnancy

Pregnancy increases the chance of getting hemorrhoids because as the uterus enlarges, it puts more pressure on the veins and blood vessels in the pelvic and anal region, which can cause the hemorrhoids to hesitate and flare up.

Also, many women develop hemorrhoids during childbirth due to the extreme pressure exerted by pushing the baby.

In most cases, pregnancy-related hemorrhoids will go away on their own, but if not, you’ll need to treat them with home and over-the-counter remedies.

If this doesn’t work, you’ll need to see your doctor for other treatment options.

There are other reasons why this condition can occur, but these are five of the main causes of hemorrhoids.

Most cases can be treated from the comfort of your own home with simple home remedies or over-the-counter remedies such as witch hazel or topical creams.

To prevent breakouts from coming back, you should follow the above recommendations.

Doing these simple things should help keep hemorrhoid flare-ups to a minimum.

Also, exercise regularly and add healthy, high-fiber foods to your diet and at least eight glasses of water a day.

If you notice that your condition does not improve within seven to ten days, you should contact your doctor for additional treatment options.

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