3 natural ways to reverse gray hair

All our lives, we’ve been taught that along with wrinkles and achy joints, we can also expect gray hair. Fortunately, with the latest advances in science and natural medicine, you don’t have to look your age.

It is possible to treat gray hair naturally without investing in harsh chemical hair dyes that can strip your hair of vital nutrients that keep it soft and manageable. Here are three ways to keep your hair looking younger, naturally!

1. Cosmetic treatment: gray hair dye is the oldest and most common way to remove gray hair. Many gray hair dyes use chemicals like ammonia, but there are many new brands coming onto the market that use vegetable-based dyes or natural ingredients like henna.

2. Medical Treatments – While there is still no anti-aging pill that will magically make you look younger, there are medications that treat the underlying cause of gray hair. Melanin is a chemical in the body that gives skin and hair its color. It’s also what comes to the surface when you tan.

Melanin slows down as we age, but there are medications available to reverse hair depigmentation. Auxins, imatinib mesylate, and Gleever are some of the prescription drugs available. These medications can only be prescribed by your doctor and can have side effects, however if you are concerned about coloring your hair with an over-the-counter hair dye, or if your hair is turning gray too soon, you may want to discuss with your doctor about it.

3. Topical Treatments – There are some natural remedies that you can apply to your hair to increase its built-in nutrients and prevent gray from showing:

Eugenol Oil: Eugenol oil is derived from cloves and helps restore your hair’s natural color.

Amla Oil – Amla oil strengthens hair follicles, making it easier for the natural pigmentation (color) of your hair to show through.

Ligustrum – This Chinese remedy is based on a unique berry that, when applied to the surface, turns gray hair black.

Superoxide dismutase: These compounds are often found in hair gels and prevent damage to hair strands by strengthening the follicles against breakage.

Ashwagandha: Also known as “Indian ginseng”, Ashwagandha protects against gray hair caused by stress. It also increases the melanin in the hair which helps to cover gray hair.

Omega-3 Shampoos: Omega 3s are specific natural compounds (often found in cold-water fish) that provide nutrients to the hair and scalp that protect against premature aging.

Melanin – The actual chemical in your body that gives your hair and skin its color can also be applied directly to the hair.

Retin-A: Often used in anti-aging creams and combined with alpha-hydroxyl acid, Retin-A restores your hair’s natural color and makes it appear stronger and more manageable.

You can also try some over-the-counter vitamins and minerals to help strengthen your hair and slow down graying. Vitamins B12, biotin and folic acid are well known for their ability to give your body energy to reduce stress and, in turn, prevent premature graying of hair.

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