14 reasons why dogs brighten up our Christmas season

The holidays have arrived and, like every day, it is good to reflect on what we are grateful for.

Dog vacations are absolutely at the top of our list, because it’s our friends, teachers, and family reunited in a bundle of furry love. They possess the ability to improve our lives in a way that no one else can.

The last twelve months may have had more difficulties and triumphs, but our dogs were there regardless.

As we look forward to a new year full of opportunities and changes, we also want to remind ourselves why our canine friends are amazing!

Lucky dog ​​parents have a lot to be thankful for …

This is something they have done to brighten our lives, through thick and thin.

1. A great affordable psychiatrist for every day of your life.

During the days when you come home and need to vent about your frustrating job and love life that won’t happen, your dog will patiently sit next to you and gladly listen to your afflictions while licking those tears.

2. They will keep you healthy, both physically and emotionally.

They will motivate you to go the distance and run that extra mile, no matter how exhausted you are. They will also make you laugh and enjoy everything much more, which will totally increase your self-esteem and your general outlook on life.

3. They take you out of your shell.

When you go out with your puppy, you are sure to meet strangers who will lull your cuddly companion. You may be the most introverted and antisocial person in the world, but your lovable dog, and his admiration, can help you break out of your shell and give you a chance to practice your conversational skills. What if there are no worthy people around? They will help you connect with the world around you.

4. They remind us that we should enjoy the simple things.

With full-blown exuberance, they will leap over piles of leaves with joy and chase their own tails endlessly. Doing all of this with a goofy smile is what makes dogs so unique. We need to loosen up sometimes and bring out our inner pup too!

5. They show us the true meaning of unconditional love.

Whether you forgot to pick her up from doggy daycare or lost your temper, they’ll look at you with those big brown eyes and forgive you right away. It is a gift that dogs are able to forgive and forget with a flick of the tail.

6. They are the best bodyguards.

From start to finish, you have a bodyguard for life. Your safety and happiness is your puppy’s top priority, so it’s an amazing feeling to know that someone is always behind you.

7. They are always up for an adventure.

Even if you took off right now, your pup wouldn’t hesitate to join you. There is no need to complain or be distracted by “what ifs”. After all, destiny and purpose are really a distant thought while you’re there!

8. They don’t care when you sing out of tune.

Your friends always tell you to shut up, and the idea of ​​karaoke makes your palms sweat. But fear not, because your dog will never criticize you like you are on American Idol. Better yet, they will howl and play a duet with you.

9. They are the most effective alarm clocks.

Forget the annoying alarms you have set on your phone and trust that your cute little dog will drool in your face at dawn. Nothing like morning kisses to get you on your feet!

10. You can never be really mad at them.

Seriously, what kind of magical power do dogs have to quench any negativity with a sincere look from those eyes? It is almost useless to be upset by whatever they do.

11. You don’t need to impress them.

It doesn’t matter what job you have, what car you drive, or how much you earn in a year. Bad hair days don’t exist for them. They might care less about your makeup or your outfit. They don’t mind a bit more padding on your body, and they don’t care about the thin bony parts either. All your dog wants is your time, love, and presence!

12. They are a good sport.

Are you wearing ridiculous Christmas outfits? Check. Try the homemade dog biscuits never tried before? Check. Allow you to post silly photos of them on Instagram? Check.

13. You are the best thing that ever happened to them.

And they will show it too. Through all the hugs, kisses and enthusiasm, you will always be sure that there is nothing better for your dog than you.

14. They love you. Just the way you Are.

No explanation needed, no questions asked; you are enough for that dog and don’t forget it!

Are you ready to learn to talk to animals yourself?

See all my courses at Learnhowtotalktoanimals.com; see link in bio below.

Take a look and choose what appeals to you the most. If you are a newbie, I recommend that you start with the Basic Fundamentals Course for Beginners.

The Animal Talk Mastery Advanced Course is amazing and includes many of my favorite and most powerful healing techniques along with many specific topics that every animal talk student needs to know how to successfully handle.

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