100 reasons to be happy!

This is an “antidote for complaining, worry and for those who are depressed.” It’s not a foolproof or perfect answer by any means, but it works at least to some degree on everyone. It is the art of being grateful and the exercise is simply creating a list of one hundred (100) things for which we are grateful.

My current thank you list goes like this:

1. I have the most beautiful and beautiful wife in the world.

2. My three daughters are healthy and happy.

3. My children are growing and developing very well.

4. My parents are still alive, and so are my brothers.

5. My in-laws and my wife’s family love me and I love them.

6. In general, I have a wonderful family.

7. The house I live in has modern facilities and keeps me sheltered from bad weather.

8. My wife likes to spend time with me and I like to spend time with her.

9. I know Jesus Christ.

10. I hope to have more children.

11. I am free to worship God the way I want.

12. I can walk.

13. I can talk.

14. I know how to read and write.

15. I can think and have thoughts and time with myself.

16. My five senses still work fine, without help (currently).

17. I can see, not only through my eyes, but also through the eyes of my heart.

18. I live in relative luxury, in freedom and in a just society.

19. I have two days off a week most weeks.

20. My employer is wonderful.

21. The job I have is both challenging and varied, and I am valued for my work.

22. I have good bosses and coworkers.

23. I attend a church where people love me and I am allowed to love them.

24. I have time to write.

25. I can drive a car… I have a car.

26. I have many great tools that help me live my life.

27. My personal library is happiness; each book handpicked.

28. We have not one, but two computers in my family.

29. I have both the inclination and the ability to plan my life in advance.

30. We have access to seemingly unlimited electricity, water, food, and other resources.

31. I really don’t care about doing the dishes anymore; in fact, I love making them!

32. I love Proverbs, Psalms, Ephesians and Ecclesiastes…actually, I love the whole Bible.

33. I can talk sensibly and sensitively to my teenage daughters (most of the time).

34. One day becomes another for me; Wednesdays are just as important as Sundays.

35. I have been lucky enough to have a second chance at higher education.

36. Business qualifications, knowledge, and skill have always been helpful.

37. I see my parents at least every fortnight and I have a great relationship with them.

38. I have three beautiful nieces and two beautiful nephews.

39. I have a sense of humor (most of the time).

40. Even when things don’t go my way, I usually see the good things.

41. I have a wonderful view outside my office window of a serene operating port.

42. I am living in the present; on the very cusp of time. I’m not dead yet.

43. The part of the earth that I live on is such an uninhabitable place in terms of climate (most of the time).

44. I have the capacity and inclination to love: people and living beings and my experiences.

45. I have a telephone so I can talk to people who are far away.

46. ​​​​​​I have photos of my lovely family that I can look at; at home, at work, in my wallet.

47. I meet interesting people almost every day.

48. Living near the beach: there is nothing like the white noise of the waves.

49. There is clean drinking water available right now.

50. There is a plant that I am responsible for and it has not died yet!

51. I have fish oil pills and other vitamins to supplement my diet.

52. I have powers of self-control most of the time and the drive to improve.

53. I am a member of a gym.

54. The academic qualifications I have and the studies I have done have helped me form my character to become the person I always wanted to be.

55. I can make a one-time contribution.

56. I have a positive self-image and am grateful that I worked on it.

57. There is work I can do to keep myself stimulated.

58. I can feel pain; most of the time this is good for bread is generally a healthy sign.

59. I have a watch, it looks good and suits my style, and I can tell time.

60. I have more than three (and almost four) decades of life memories; The good, the bad and the ugly.

61. Being in a more western location means the sun sets on the horizon with the water in the foreground, that’s pretty special!

62. There are plans that I am making and have made, therein lies the hope.

63. I met some famous and successful people and got inspired.

64. Coffee. I love it, and I can have great coffee every day if I want.

65. I earn enough money to give something away to those less fortunate.

66. Music. I really appreciate it. (And I think I have good taste, may I say that).

67. Enthusiasm and zeal for life and learning; I have it most of the time. I’m still excitable.

68. I have suffered losses and survived them. It has actually made me a better person!

69. People sometimes honor me when they come to me for help.

70. Having reached the age of forty… the best is yet to come.

71. I live in times of (relative) peace.

72. I have a passion for cricket and Australian rules football and follow both fervently.

73. This time that I live is dynamic; excitement around.

74. I love pizza, seafood, and ice cream, as well as many other good foods.

75. I see miracles happen most days. Most people would call these things ‘normal’.

76. I can rest and take time to smell the flowers almost whenever I want.

77. I am moved by words and their meanings. Language and communication are art.

78. Freedom of choice is something I appreciate and try not to take for granted.

79. I have overcome dependence on substances, eg cigarettes.

80. ‘Creativity of thought’ is a gift I appreciate.

81. I can ride a modern train any day I want and see the sights.

82. There is a reliable public transportation system where I live; I feel hurt almost every time I use it.

83. The smile of a wife or a daughter… what else could I say.

84. My ‘mood file’ is growing; people cheer me up almost every day.

85. The mentors who have invested their time and effort in me, I will be eternally grateful.

86. Remind me of Maxwell Smart. I can watch TV because I have one.

87.Mathematics. Number sense makes sense to me.

88. I like the desire to continue growing throughout my life.

89. Wisdom. I see it in others and others sometimes see it in me. I love its truth.

90. The safety of my family so far; I try not to take it for granted.

91. I receive continuous training through courses, seminars, congresses and workshops.

92. Science. I marvel. It has to be an intelligent design.

93. My heart is saddened by some things I see, I am glad for that.

94. Health. My overall health, while not perfect, pleases me.

95. Movies and dating: I can go out with my wife and I love watching movies with her.

96. The range of shopping centers that I have at my disposal is amazing.

97. I get to be “me” for my whole life. That’s not bad.

98. I can wear whatever clothes I have; I can also dress myself.

99. One day I might be blessed enough to have grandchildren and maybe great-grandchildren.

100. He could reach 100 years by the grace of God. I am “not out” so far.

While not all of us can subscribe to every item on this particular list of mine, it does illustrate the important point that each of us has specific and very detailed reasons to be extremely grateful. Where you may not be able to list certain items I have, I’m sure you may have items I couldn’t list.

There’s really no limit to this list when we think about it.

Copyright (c) 2008, SJ Wickham.

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