10 fashion mistakes that can spoil your look

While the world may lean toward more casual attire, there are still a number of fashion mistakes and missteps to avoid, regardless of the occasion or dress code. These include:

1. Using the wrong colors

All skin tones are not the same. The lime green or hot pink you saw on the runways might look great on models, but horrible on you. Experiment with different colors and stick with the palettes that look best on you, regardless of what “au currant” is. Don’t waste your money on clothes that make you look pale, sallow, jaundiced, or faded. You can even consider color analysis if you’re not sure what your “best colors” are.

2. Wearing a size too small

If it doesn’t fit you, don’t wear it. Squeezing into a size 8 may feed your vanity, but it may seem like you’re supercharged to everyone else. Buy by FIT, not by size. If you can’t sit or feel as strapped in as a turkey, you won’t feel your best. Why submit to that kind of torture? Find clothes that fit you well or have them tailored for you and stack the cards in your favor.

3. Inappropriate makeup

Light for day, heavy for night, sheer for sports or other strenuous activities. You wear different clothes for different activities in your life; Your makeup should also change. And if you’re still doing Cleopatra’s eyes, it’s time to turn the page and see what’s going on THIS century in makeup looks.

4. Using the wrong color of hose

You’ll look taller and trimmer if you match the color of your tights with your shoes and hem. Are you wearing a skirt and black shoes? Opt for a transparent black hose. Do you have a bright blue dress and taupe shoes? Go for the taupe hose. What? Do you only wear black tights because they hide things you don’t want people to see? Well, guess what: unless your entire outfit is black, you’re DRAWING ATTENTION to your legs. If that’s not what you want, it’s time to rethink your plan.

5. Damaged shoes

You look great… from the ankles up. If your shoes have seen better days, find a good shoe repair shop and put them in for a little TLC. Polish them regularly. Use a felt-tip marker on the scuff marks and place a soft piece of carpet under your feet when you drive. And most importantly, invest in a good pair if you’re going to wear them every day. Don’t buy them at 5 and Tell me and then wonder why they don’t last.

6. Broken nails, chipped nail polish

Keep your nails clean and evenly trimmed. To make repairs quickly, keep nail clippers and a nail file in your bag and desk at work. Paint over chips or remove all polish. If you’re in a business environment, wear conservative nail polish colors at work and save the bright/neon/funky looks for weekends and holidays. Dragon lady lengths are never appropriate for business.

7. Underpants that show

Unfortunately, one length does NOT fit all. Buy briefs of various lengths and replace them once the elastic wears out. For more understated linings, shop for combinations in the colors you wear most often, like black, navy, beige, and white. You want to mute the transparency of your garment, not all the attention to the color of your petticoat.

8. Stains in the armpits

First, buy deodorant that works with your body. You may need to try a few to find the best one for you, and you may need to switch from time to time if your chemistry changes, such as after having a baby, starting a new medication, going through menopause, or the like. My personal favorite: Solid Mitchum. If you sweat a lot or need a safe way to prevent stains, consider using clothing protectors.

9. Visible bra lines

Make sure your bra fits you well. If your back is puckering, your shoulders are slipping, or your breasts are letting your breasts sag instead of offering support, then it’s time to seek professional help. You can usually find trained installers in the lingerie departments of better department stores. Call for an appointment.

10. Roots

Hair color can do wonderful things for you, but it can also be hard on your budget. If you can’t afford the regular upkeep that all color requires, consider getting highlights instead. And whatever you do, make sure your hair color matches your skin tone.

Most fashion mistakes are easily avoided with a quick look in the mirror. So take a few minutes to attend to these fashion details. Why spoil your look when looking great is almost that easy?

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