Tips for Buying a Marketing Accountant List

You may have several concerns about purchasing a list of accountants. You may have thought about buying a list before, but found it to be too expensive. It is true that prices for accountant lists can range from as little as $ 4 per thousand to more than $ 40 per thousand. The reason for the large variation in prices lies in the level of guidance a list provider offers. A very specific and targeted list that has email and direct mail addresses, phone and fax numbers will often be more expensive.

There are several things to consider before buying a marketing list:

1. Validation of the postal address. Most marketing list providers subscribe to the United States Postal Service National Change of Address (“NCOA”) database. This database tracks the whereabouts of more than 4 million companies that move each year. Making sure your list is NCOA validated will help reduce the volume of returned mail from your marketing program.

2. Check the data fields to obtain the required information. Depending on your product or service, it may be important to know if the accountants on your list are Certified Public Accountants (“CPA”), Enrolled Agents (“EA”), which stands for tax specialization as they are designated by the IRS. , or if you are a Certified Fraud Examiner (“CFE”).

3. List the cost and ownership. Some marketing list providers rent their email lists while others sell their marketing lists. The benefit of purchasing a list of accountants is that you will own the data and be able to trade it as often as you need. Often times, rented lists are more expensive in large part because they are very specific lists.

Regardless of whether you buy or rent a list, it is important that you test your marketing piece before engaging in a large-scale marketing promotion. It’s also important to make sure you have the right metrics in place so you can track the results of any marketing program.

An accountant marketing list can provide significant value to your business, especially if you know the lifetime value of your customers. Often times, the cost of a listing can be recovered by adding just a few new customers. Make sure you know your customer’s lifetime value to help them make the right marketing list buying decision.

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