The power of nudity and fashion in women

Let me begin by defining nudity as expressed in the Merriam Webster Dictionary as devoid of natural or conventional coverage, especially not covered by clothing. The act of going naked is born old-fashioned. At this point, I would like to highlight certain changes from fashion to nudism. The reader before this generation entered both the jet age and the information age, women have been seen in clothes of all kinds sown creatively.

Some of which are so interesting and eye-catching; on the other hand acceptable. It is obvious to state without equivocation that it is the craving for fashion that led women to dress up and appear naked. Nudism, which is practiced by women around the world, existed through the evolution of fashion. It is in this context that intellectuals captured it as the practice of going nude, especially in sexually mixed groups. The so-called evolutionary trend in the fashion industry now leading to going almost naked is something to deal with.

Today, it has become a norm and it is socially accepted to dress however you want. It has been adopted without asking what the implications are. What are the effects on society? The focus of this article revolves around the questions above and how to solve this social insanity. The glamor of our new womenswear is only meant to distract the opposite sex. In the days gone by, women concentrated on everything she put into their hands. But today, seeing a lady dressed rudely, her focus shifts to thinking about how to be the one wearing that bombshell called a miniskirt, body hug, skinny jeans, etc.

Consequently, this has resulted in the rape of girls, a widespread spread of the all-powerful virus called Human Immune Virus (HIV). Our society witnesses a high rate of armed robberies, get-rich-quick syndrome, ritual killings, to name just a few. It is not just the problem of the economic recession that makes the masses suffer, but on the contrary, we have refused to correct our priority. The builders of our houses insist on joining the train of the latest garments seen on the market today. They have crossed the Rubicon when it comes to dressing modestly. In the feminine world, either you dress showing your private part or you are not in tune with the madness of modernity due to the nakedness of evil intentions.

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