Not an early riser? Pretend until you do!

“Going to bed early and getting up early makes a man healthy, rich and wise.”

Benjamin Franklin

Whenever people talk about time management, getting up early seems to be one of the key habits to learn. But what about us night owls? We can’t operate a coffee maker at 7 am, because we reach our peak of productivity around 10:30 pm If I wake up naturally before 7:30 am, it’s probably because I have to go to the bathroom! When I do a personal retreat, the first thing I do is sleep. Then after dinner, I stay up, inspired, working until 2 or 3 in the morning without a single yawn or a cup of tea.

So here’s the bad news. Sometimes getting up early is the only way we can accomplish certain tasks. When I do hot yoga, I do the 6:15 am class. That is simply the one that best fits my schedule and my priorities. If I don’t do my spiritual practices before my child gets up (at 7:35), it is not done that day.

But take heart, fellow night owls! Just because there are times when getting up early is the best way to manage our time does not mean that we have to give up a precious dream. Here are some tips on how to get up early without feeling like a total zombie.

1. Get closer to dawn.

Don’t set the alarm 2 hours early and expect to be successful! Start small. If you already have a hard time waking up when the alarm goes off, try going to bed 15 minutes earlier for a week before trying to get up earlier. After that week, set your alarm 15 minutes earlier for a few days. Once manageable, delay the alarm time in 15 minute increments until it is increasing 60 to 90 minutes earlier. Yes, you’ll still feel tired, because we can’t fight our bodies, but it’s not about becoming early risers, just pretending.

2. Find your motivation.

There is probably at least one thing that you would really like to accomplish each day, and the best time to do it is when you wake up. Maybe it’s a workout routine – doing it first thing in the morning means your post-workout shower doubles as your daily shower – that’s time efficiency! Maybe it’s prayer or meditation. And just one piece of advice: if meditation is your thing, do it in a nice, well-lit room while sitting up straight to avoid falling asleep again. If you’re a writer, start with those first drafts while drinking your morning caffeine. Start your morning routine with a task that you really want to do, because your wish will be the final push from your warm bed.

3. Get organized.

Make sure you have everything you need accessible first thing in the morning. I wear contact lenses so I always have my glasses on my nightstand. If it’s cold outside, I put my robe within easy reach. If I wake up before my spouse, I take my clothes out the night before so I don’t have to grope in the dark. For a while I was doing the Morning Miracle routine, and I set everything up in my office. That way I could slide out of bed and walk straight to my office and be productive.

4. Partner up.

Responsibility is a great way to develop new habits, and if you find a partner in your quest to get up earlier, you will be much more successful. You can sign up for an exercise class early, schedule a prayer call with a friend, or hire a life coach!

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