Knowing your inner goddess

In ancient Greece there were many specially chosen goddesses who were worshiped and revered for their beauty and boldness. To name a few, Aphrodite, Athena, Artemis, Demeter, and Persephone, each with a domain to oversee. Goddesses ruled over relationships. Highly spirited, they could be quite brutal if they crossed paths and they weren’t averse to seeking revenge if they were hurt.

In the 21st century, the idea of ​​a Goddess is becoming more and more universally accepted, with the added benefit that every woman has the right to be a Goddess in her own world.

A Goddess of today knows that she is part of God / Source / All That Is. She feels comfortable with her I Am. He has successfully integrated yin and yang, the feminine and masculine energies. She embodies strength, sex appeal, and intelligence. She gracefully walks her path with passion, purpose, and possibility. She is not above the rest, but she is very at peace with herself and values ​​herself as she designs her own destiny, balancing love, work and play wonderfully.

She is a woman who has a presence, who radiates an inner light that can sometimes attract and sometimes intimidate others. Above all, she is who she is and is unapologetic about it. Why would she do it? A 21st century goddess is a wonderful, warm and loving human being who strives to evolve and grow during her life’s journey.

A Goddess is a seductive, conscious, authentic, action-oriented woman who allows a woman to be in contact with her divinity.

Would you like to become more of a goddess? Here are some qualities to improve:

    Seductress: She shines

  • It has both interior and exterior beauty.
  • It is magnetic and seductive.
  • Own your sexuality.
  • He knows who he is and accepts the qualities of light and dark.
  • Take care of your whole being: body, mind and spirit.
  • She fully accepts herself and has the freedom and courage to be all that she is.

    Consciousness: she knows

  • Awareness of human relationships and the impact it has on others.
  • He engages in the “work of the soul” — books, people and activities, and so on. They serve to raise your consciousness.
  • You love to learn and apply knowledge to real life challenges so that you grow in understanding and wisdom.
  • Understand the interaction of the earthly and heavenly elements, “as above, so below.”
  • Manage your thoughts to create the reality you want.

    Authenticity: she honors

  • Design a life that nurtures your inner nature.
  • She feels and communicates her thoughts and emotions with confidence.
  • You take the time to meet your emotional needs in a healthy way.
  • It lives from its center and is grounded in reality, dealing effectively with everyday life.
  • She takes the lead in her family.
  • She trusts her own process, including beginnings and endings.

    Action: She works

  • His work is a form of self-expression.
  • Consciously create and accept personal responsibility for yourself and your life.
  • Releases the need to control or manipulate or punish.
  • Discover your unique purpose and strive to live it.
  • It seeks to improve the world through its sphere of influence.
  • See obstacles and challenges as part of the learning process and use persistence to overcome them.
  • Pick a domain (s) to master (cooking, writing, teaching, healing, art).

    Allow: She receives

  • Balances the functions of the head and heart to make decisions.
  • Let the universe meet your needs.
  • Let your soul be your guide as you walk your way.
  • He uses natural laws like the law of attraction to manifest his desires.
  • Has great vision and intuition.
  • He is able to perceive the paradoxes of life and see many perspectives.
  • He is open to receiving her well.

Today’s Goddess is on a journey to discover and access her divine power. Its essence is a bright light that shines to empower others to shine their light. She demands special treatment because she is a unique and special human being. So you wisely surround yourself with people who see your greatness and with whom you can relax and let your guard down.
When it comes to relationships, she has higher standards than mere mortals. She is looking for soul connections. And while she may be too enlightened to take revenge, she will slash anyone or anything that doesn’t honor her with a swift sword. Due to his keen eyes and ears, he can see directly through the ego’s defense mechanisms and will easily let go of anyone or anything that is blocking his ability to give and receive love.

A goddess deserves respect and admiration. She will accept nothing less than what is worthy, and since it is from God, she wants only the best!
To get to know your inner Goddess, start by giving her a name. Look inside and ask your heart what is your Goddess name. Start a relationship with her and invite her to be more present in your life. Ask for guidance when you need it and watch your dreams magically come true.

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